I teach these sophomores American History and Oral English on Monday and Thursday mornings. I teach a total of 51 freshmen Pronunciation Monday afternoons in 2 classes. On Mondays and Thursdays Paul is teaching Business to seniors and will soon be teaching American Culture to freshmen. On Tuesday mornings Paul teaches Sophomore Advanced Writing (20 students in each class). Last semester I also taught Movie Appreciation and Paul taught Public Speaking. We mostly take an uncomfortable university shuttle bus on a 50 minute ride out and back. In the mornings we typically leave at 7 AM and Mondays Paul gets home just before 7 PM.
Getting places, doing laundry
and grocery shopping (totally different from at home but that is another blog
for another time) take a surprisingly large amount of the rest of our time. Things like no dryer and hanging all your clothes up to dry
and shopping almost daily because you have to carry everything home make the days seem much shorter than in the states.
the classes come with suggested text books that are available but not
mandatory. That is good because all the books are in Chinese and unless a
teacher has taken the time to translate the instructions they are useless to
us. Fortunately mine has been translated and is very helpful.
Paul had his business students get a couple of books he had bought for $40. He told them on Monday and they all had their identical copies on Thursday. Price? $2.20 for one and $1.50 for the other. When asked how they got them so fast the answer was "PDF files to the printer." Ah, this is China.
students are just great and we love them! They are bright and happy and
so smart! Their grasp of the English language is quite good and they are
able to express their thoughts quite well usually. They are fun to talk
to and they actually like talking to us and make an effort to be with us and
There is a 10 minute break in each class because the
classes are an hour and 40 minutes long – each class meets once a week. I know,
a bit different than home. During the break one of the girls in Paul’s writing
class who had just come to my Oral class came up to me and wanted me to help her
correct her written assignment that Paul had marked up. She was so
earnest and wanted the help so I helped her – I just hope her Professor won’t
get too upset. But then again, you might as well use the resources you have
20 of the BYU dance students asked if they could come over for FHE. Not a large apartment, but we all fit. Had a wonderful time. They loved Ann feeding them. They were really longing for a little "western LDS" feeling that we were able to provide.
These Chinese students cope with some of the same issues as students do at home. The freshmen are away from home for the first time and have a tendency to maybe get a bit homesick. They are learning to deal with spending their money for the first time and how to manage that. Some spend the whole semester's funds the first few weeks. Many of them have never had a roommate and that can be an adjustment from being the center of the universe. They do not choose their roommates and so they make friends almost immediately. Pretty much the same stuff. For all it is their first doses of freedom and some spend too much time playing games on their phones and not enough studying.